Hoarding- A Psychiatric Disorder
8/8/2018 (Permalink)

According to the American Psychiatric Association, "People with hoarding disorder excessively save items that others may view as worthless. They have persistent difficulty getting rid of or parting with possessions, leading to clutter that disrupts their ability to use their living or work spaces." SERVPRO of Hazleton/Dallas/Harveys Lake has the training and specialized equipment to address any size hoarding situations. A hoarding home can be compounded and become dangerous when a biohazard element is present. Many times animal feces or human waste are a component. In these incidences it is imperative that a professional cleaning company like SERVPRO of Hazleton/Dallas/Harveys Lake be called. We can clean the home and restore it to a safe and healthy living environment. SERVPRO of Hazleton/Dallas/Harveys Lake is proud to serve our local Luzerne County communities.